AI | Business Development | Customer Service
5 Ways To Improve Your Company With AI Right Now
It has to be useful. Otherwise, it’s just a spinning hubcap, pretty, but not helpful.
The ‘big guys’ with unlimited budgets are developing AI driven products to streamline their companies. In fact, you are likely using AI tech right now without knowing it.
This is great but the promise of AI lies in ‘democratizing knowledge’. The power lies in creating efficiencies for everyone especially small companies and individuals. It’s confusing though. How can I use AI to make my life better as a small business owner or a content creator?
Try these ideas to streamline your business and increase your productivity:
- Create a Chatbot Driven Newsletter — Everyone has a newsletter. And despite their ‘old school’ feel, and anything delivered via email is old school, they are an effective means of transferring information. But once a newsletter has been shipped it is lost forever if not immediately opened. The information is lost. Your message is lost. But if you turn your newsletter into a chatbot every little iota of content is immediately available forever. And it’s interactive. Your users aren’t just reading but they are asking questions. You are educating them. And you are learning vital information — directly from your users — on their interests. Perfect for developing your next piece of content or marketing campaign. In addition, all your old newsletter will be used to inform your customers. New sign ups — no matter how excited — will not go back and read all of your old newsletters. But a chatbot will use all the information it has, including the post you made three years ago, while answering questions. (Learn how to create your own chatbot newsletter here.)
- Create a Chatbot for your FAQ’s — If you are a small company or content creator you have a lot of information within the company. You get asked the same questions. You will be solving the same problems. A traditional FAQ section on your website is stagnant and one-dimensional. Load up the information and create a chatbot. Now it becomes interactive. Your customers can ask their questions, their way. They will get up-to-date answers. They will get fuller answers. Your users will become more knowledgeable. Smarter. (Get started here.)
- Create a Chatbot for New Employee Training — Chatbots can be shared with the public or they can be used for your internal company communications. An average cost of hiring and training a new employee is $1,250 per person. That can add up quickly. And if you make the wrong hire, you’ll have to start all over. To save money and time create a chatbot learning model with pre-set questions. Your employee can go through the pre-sets and ask their own follow up questions. It’s a better way to learn. It’s a better way to train.
- Create a Chatbot as an Industry Expert and Advisor for Customers — Expertise can come cheaply these days with everyone claiming to be a ‘guru’. But people want reliable information. Always will. An interactive chatbot can be created on any topic. Want your chatbot to advise your users on climate change, or nutrition, or how to pick the best coffee maker on their budget? Use a chatbot.
- Create a Chatbot to Replace Company Meetings — No one likes meetings. Not you. Not your bosses. Not the company. But some meetings are critical. The trick is to make them useful and productive. A chatbot is always open. Turn your sales meeting into an interactive chatbot and everyone will be instantly updated. Create pre-set prompts to ensure your goals and objectives are communicated clearly. And in meetings everyone is afraid to ask a ‘stupid questions’. Yes, there are stupid questions. But no one is afraid to ask a chatbot a question. They’ll get an answer. They won’t look stupid or uniformed. So, they will ask and get educated. You’ll create better more knowledgeable employees and save time.
Any task that is reliant upon communicating information can be optimized by a chatbot. And a chatbot will not get tired. It won’t get emotional. It will not stop answering questions. And as the information base grows, they will become smarter. Creating a chatbot is an efficient use of your time, can be built quickly and cheaply, making you more productive.
Do you have any other ideas that can be turned into automatic processes using AI? Let us know here, chatbot requests, and we’ll get right on it.
Why do I need a Chatbot?
It’s the easiest method for communicating with customers, users, and employees. They create efficiencies, improve profits, and increase customer interaction. Learn more.
Try our bundleIQ newsletter chatbot. It’s free. It’s fun. It’s informative.