bundleIQ Zapier Integrations You’ll Love
Going into 2021, we had our sights on making it easier for users to create and share content. Integration with Zapier topped the list of ways to facilitate the flow of knowledge into bundles. Just a simple zap from sources like Twitter, email, or Google Docs make it so much easier to fill a workspace with relevant information. View the bundleIQ integration on Zapier.com.
New to Zapier? You may be wondering where to start. Firstly, Zapier is a powerful tool for automating tasks between your favorite apps. Use it to make your workflows more efficient and to save time.
Benefit: Zapier is free to use.
- Sign up for a Zapier account
- Create a Zap
- Connect your apps
- Set up your triggers
- Set up your actions
- Test your Zap
- Enjoy!
Our Favorite bundleIQ Zaps
Here are a couple straightforward integrations to get you started.
Twitter to bundleIQ
I created this zap to manage the content I’m most interested in on Twitter.
Outcome: Every time I like a tweet on Twitter, a new note is created, added to the Research bundle, and tagged with the hashtag #twitter.
Benefit: Twitter is great for social listening, but combing through the noise of your feed can be overwhelming. By zapping your favorite tweets to bundleIQ, you get the benefit of social listening as well as enhanced search and filter functionality.
RSS to bundleIQ
I created this zap to curate and centralized relevant content using RSS.app to manage my feeds.
Outcome: Every time a keyword is said across Twitter, CNN, BBC, and various publishers, a new note is created, added to the Research bundle, and tagged with the hashtags #rss #cnn.
Benefit: Automatically aggregating content into a bundle can easily save loads of time and energy.
NOTE: When adding your tags in Zapier add them like this rss,bbc not like this rss, bbc (no spaces between the comma and the next tag).