Here’s What You Can Do Today to Make Sense of this Election

4 min readOct 30, 2020

Twenty-five days ago, I challenged myself to publish 30 articles in 30 days. It was solely to stretch my mind and go deep on the product we’re building. When I set out on this journey, I didn’t realize (until now) this writing expedition would end on the day of the election.

“Just had a great meeting with @realdonaldtrump @potus besides what he’s done so far with criminal reform, the platinum plan is going to give the community real ownership. He listened to what we had to say today and assured he will and can get it done.”- Lil Wayne WEEZY

Wait; what?

Can I take this for face value, or is there an underlying message or agenda I should know about?

When publishing this article, Lil Wayne’s tweet got 86k Retweets and 302k Likes + and counting.

How on earth is it even possible to understand who to vote for anymore, especially when it’s so difficult to process the variables objectively?

You’d think all of this would be easier given the available information, but the reality is, it’s not.

“I’m willing to meet with anybody who could bring this to life and make it a reality. I’m not playing politics with this (the platinum plan).”- Ice Cube

Going off Feeling versus Understanding

If I’m honest, I’m perplexed, not because of Lil Wayne, or the value I think could be brought to underserved America. Instead, I think the rules by which we play this game called politics need reimagining. And look, I’ll be the first to acknowledge my bewilderment probably/definitely comes from my subconscious, which contributes to votes based on feel versus understanding.

As the founder of a technology company that expedites sense-making, we exist because this skin suit experience we all have is so incredibly complex; it’s not easy to make sense of, but we believe in the possibility.

Speaking of, this post isn’t about Trump or Biden; it’s about our society, and the ways we can make the right decisions more evident.

Who is The President of the United States?

Side note, the President’s Florida residence is no more than a kilometer from my house. He’s someone I spent time with, but not in the ways of friendship; he was my boss. By default, I attended Donald Trump’s wedding, and I carried Melania’s dress to her room (it took two people to transport the box). He was “insert code name, which is not DJT” because we called him something different for the four and a half year I worked at Mar A Lago.

Did I talk to him? Yes.

Did I interact with him? Yes, him and his entire family.

All that to say, I am much more familiar with Donald Trump than the average person. Yet, I still struggle to see him through the lens of the media. In some ways, it’s disorienting for me because the version of the man I knew wasn’t the President of the United States. The events that have taken place since his election in 2016 are dense and difficult to sort through.

Making Sense of This Election

So, the question stands, how can we, as Americans, act more intelligently? How do we show up to the polls five days from now with the knowledge and understanding we need to make informed decisions?

How you organize insights and start to make sense of the world around you is essential. And maybe you’ve never thought about it. Perhaps you’ve never considered the workflow necessary to arrive at the desired outcome.

Maybe you have.

Here are three things you can act on today— lean into the discomfort of the unknown, be curious, and analyze the disparity that might exist as a result of government functions.

Learning can be uncomfortable, research can be tricky, and your conditioning comes with bias. As someone who builds technology to augment human intelligence, I’m aware that the process can be confusing. However, diligence is paramount because arriving at these judgment calls in life isn’t straightforward.

You can do it! Bundle your way through it; then go vote!

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