The Cost of Not Being Able to Transform Information into Knowledge

3 min readOct 15, 2020

As humans, we spend our entire existence absorbing experiences and converting the newfound information into knowledge that we can use in our daily lives. This transformative process of filling our brain and forging new synaptic relationships is miraculous; scientists don’t know exactly how it works. And the best part about the brain is that you can keep learning and making better connections.

81% of employees state that knowledge gained from hands-on experience is the hardest to replace once it’s lost.*

With a limitless fill of information, like squirrels, we are great at storing it, but it’s not helpful unless we can convert it to knowledge, access it when we need it most, and apply it in a real-world scenario. In AI that Enhances Human Intelligence Instead of Replacing It, we talk about just that, summoning useful knowledge at the appropriate moment.

Going from Information to Knowledge When You Need It Most

We achieve our goals by harnessing the power of understanding what to do and how to do it. The path to knowledge builds on the back of data and information, organized data that people can make sense of. Whether they are pixels, molecules, digits, or dollars, when bits and bites start to take shape, they begin to tell a story. For instance — Nineteen hundred and twenty by one thousand and eighty (1920x1080) pixels put together is considered high definition. So, when I ask you to send me an HD video, you have to know what HD means to accomplish that task.

Knowledge is a formula that, just like math, helps you solve problems. Without it, you cannot achieve your goals, and that’s where the desire to learn comes into play. If there is a discrepancy in your knowledge, you have no choice but to bridge the gap. This disconnect will find you searching for an answer, and that is where the opportunity for augmented intelligence exists, to enhance your ability to solve the problem at that moment.

Strip Away the Challenges of Learning

Learning new things is not a trivial task; it requires stretching your brain past the point of what’s familiar or comfortable, and that stretch demands unbroken concentration. When you have to stop what you’re doing to go on the hunt for knowledge, it cripples your productivity and costs companies $billions annually.

*Inefficient knowledge sharing costs large businesses $47 million/year — The average employee spends 5.3 hours per week waiting for assistance or insights from coworkers. During this time, employees either recreate their colleagues’ existing expertise or simply delay the work in question.

What gives? The future of work is a new AI, Augmented Intelligence.

Read, AI that Enhances Human Intelligence Instead of Replacing It.

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