The Future of Workspaces is AI: Memdotai, bundleIQ, and Flowdex

3 min readAug 22, 2022

The future of knowledge management is here. If you’re looking for a better way to take notes and keep track of your knowledge, you should check out these three AI-powered note-taking apps. They help you organize your thoughts, find information faster, and even remember things better.

These AI-first documentation tools offer productivity boosting super powers helping users capture, organize, and retrieve information faster than humanly possible. and bundleIQ both offer products that help users remember things they’ve written, while Flowdex helps users manage their notes. All three products provide features that make searching for and finding information 10x easier than in traditional workspaces.

Three AI-first Note-taking Apps

bundleIQ workspace


For starters, bundleIQ is a knowledge base and mind-extension that helps users remember things they’ve written. It automatically builds relationships in the content and intelligently surfaces useful insights in real-time as a user reads (a note) or writes. bundleIQ’s AI-powered search and discovery is the quickest and easiest way to find the information you need when you need it.

Hot Take: bundleIQ is like Grammarly; instead of helping you write better, it enables you to think better.

What makes bundleIQ different

  • Import pdfs and epubs — if you’re a student, analyst, or researcher, you can import reports or textbooks into bundleIQ and get insights from these files as you work. It’s like having a personal Google Search engine and having a research assistant that brings you knowledge as you type. Click here to watch the video.
  • Chrome Extension — AI-powered search and discovery at your fingertips from anywhere on the web. Click here to install.
  • 3rd Party Integrations — you can sync bundleIQ with Notion to supercharge your Notion workspace. Click here to learn more.
memdotai workspace

Second, Mem is a self-organizing workspace that makes it easy to capture, share, and use knowledge. With Mem, no folders are necessary — everything is captured in one place and can be easily searched for later. Mem is powered by artificial intelligence and features natural language search, so you can find what you’re looking for quickly and easily.

Hot Take: could replace Notion or Evernote for most people/teams.

What makes different

  • Calendar Integration — Create notes directly linked to your calendar.
  • Task Management — Aggregate all of your tasks into one place.
  • Shared Templates — Standardize outreach with shared templates you can summon with one key press.
Flowdex workspace


Lastly, Flowdex is a note-taking app that uses AI to automatically tag notes, making them easy to find and organize. Perfect for personal projects, work streams, and meeting notes, Flowdex is private and secure, encrypting your data to keep it safe.

Hot Take: This is an excellent option if you want a robust yet lightweight note-taking and to-do app.

What makes Flowdex different

  • Flows — Create flows for everyday notes like Product Planning Meeting.
  • Action Items — Quickly create items like Todos, Decisions, or Important.
  • Auto-tagging — is the most noteworthy feature; Flowdex auto-tags proper nouns as important people, places, or things.

To learn more about these apps, head over to their websites.




bundleIQ is an AI Knowledge Base used by researchers and writers to learn more in less time.