The Open Source Models on Groq: Comparing and Contrasting Gemma, Mixtral, and Llama 2

7 min readMar 14, 2024


Gemma, Mixtral, & Llama 2 models

Are you familiar with Groq?

If you are involved in Artificial Intelligence, you might have heard about the incredible speed of Groq’s LPUs revolutionizing the Generative AI space. This technology brings enterprise-grade AI closer to reality. Recently, Groq made three open-source models available on its platform: Gemma, Mixtral, and Llama 2.

Let's explore the unique attributes of these models and their transformative potential for the world of technology.

Note: You can ask anything about Groq and these models using the Groq chatbot powered by Alani™ at


An open-source AI model developed by Google was designed to support a wide range of AI applications focusing on safety, efficiency, and accessibility.

Here are the key features and aspects of Gemma based on the context documents:

  • Open-Source and Community-Focused: Gemma is built for the open community of developers and researchers, offering free access in Kaggle, a free tier for Colab notebooks, and $300 in credits for first-time Google Cloud users. Researchers can also apply for Google Cloud credits of up to a collective $500,000 to accelerate their projects.
  • Responsible AI Design: Gemma is designed according to Google’s AI Principles, employing automated techniques to filter out personal information and sensitive data from training sets. It also uses extensive fine-tuning and reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) to ensure responsible behaviors. Robust evaluations, including manual red-teaming and automated adversarial testing, are conducted to understand and reduce the risk profile for Gemma models.
  • High Performance and Efficiency: Gemma 7B, a decoder-only transformer model with 7 billion parameters, surpasses significantly larger models on key benchmarks while adhering to rigorous standards for safe and responsible outputs. Running on the Groq LPU™ Inference Engine, Gemma 7B has set a new record in LLM inference speed, achieving up to 814 tokens per second, which is 5–15x faster than other measured API providers.
  • Accessibility and Compatibility: Gemma models are optimized to run across a variety of devices and platforms, including laptops, desktops, IoT, mobile, and cloud. The model supports multi-framework tools and is compatible with cutting-edge hardware platforms, such as NVIDIA GPUs, ensuring industry-leading performance.

In summary, Gemma represents a significant advancement in AI model development, combining open-source accessibility, responsible AI design, high efficiency, and broad compatibility.


An AI model developed by Mistral AI.

Here are the key features and aspects of Mixtral based on the context documents:

  • Sparse Mixture of Experts (SMoE) Architecture: Mixtral employs a sparse mixture-of-experts network, which is a decoder-only model. This architecture allows the model to pick from a set of distinct groups of parameters for each token, effectively increasing the model’s parameter count while controlling costs and latency. This innovative approach enables Mixtral to process input and generate output as efficiently as a model with significantly fewer parameters.
  • Multilingual Capabilities: Mixtral supports multiple languages, including English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish. This support is crucial for applications that require language versatility.
  • High Efficiency and Performance: Mixtral outperforms Llama 2 70B and GPT3.5 on most benchmarks, offering 6x faster inference. This high efficiency makes it a cost-effective solution for various applications, especially those requiring quick response times.
  • Open-Source and Community-Focused: Mixtral is released under the Apache 2.0 license, making it an open-weight model. Its open-source nature encourages community involvement, fostering innovation and allowing developers to customize the model for specific needs.
  • Pre-training and Fine-Tuning: The model is pre-trained on data extracted from the open web, with experts and routers trained simultaneously. Mixtral can also be fine-tuned for specific tasks, such as instruction following, where it achieves impressive performance.

In summary, Mixtral represents a significant advancement in AI model development. It combines a novel architecture with high efficiency, multilingual support, and a strong focus on community and open-source principles.

Llama 2

An AI model developed by Meta AI designed to enhance the capabilities and safety of language models.

Here are the key features and aspects of Llama 2 based on the context documents:

  • Updated Architecture and Increased Size: Llama 2 is an updated version of its predecessor, Llama 1, featuring improvements such as a 40% increase in the size of the pretraining corpus, doubled context length, and the adoption of grouped-query attention. The model is available in variants with 7B, 13B, and 70B parameters, although the 34B variant is mentioned but not released.
  • Focus on Safety and Responsible Use: Llama 2 has undergone extensive safety testing and tuning, including the use of techniques like Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT) and Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) to improve safety alignment. The model has been evaluated for safety across various benchmarks, demonstrating improvements in truthfulness, toxicity reduction, and bias mitigation compared to its predecessor.
  • Pretraining and Fine-Tuning Methodologies: The model was pretrained on a diverse mix of publicly available data, following Meta’s standard privacy and legal review processes. It was also fine-tuned for specific applications, such as dialogue use cases, to optimize its performance and safety for those scenarios.
  • Open Release for Research and Commercial Use: Llama 2 and its fine-tuned variant, Llama 2-Chat, have been released to the public for both research and commercial applications. This open release aims to benefit society by enabling broader access to advanced language model technology while emphasizing the importance of responsible deployment.

In summary, Llama 2 represents a significant advancement in language model technology, focusing on improved architecture, safety, and accessibility for a wide range of applications.

Comparing the Models

While Gemma, Mixtral, and Llama 2 all aim to propel AI forward, their distinct paths reflect the diverse priorities and challenges in the field:

  • Open-Source Philosophy: Gemma and Mixtral champion the open-source movement, fostering a culture of transparency and collaboration. Llama 2, though also publicly available, emphasizes a responsible approach to AI deployment, highlighting the importance of safety in the open-source ecosystem.
  • Architectural Design: Mixtral’s SMoE architecture represents a leap in AI model design, offering scalability and efficiency. Gemma and Llama 2, while adhering to more traditional designs, push the envelope in optimization and safety, showcasing the versatility of transformer models.
  • Performance and Efficiency: Gemma’s exceptional speed on specialized hardware sets a new benchmark for AI efficiency, while Mixtral’s innovative architecture offers a path to scalable, cost-effective AI solutions. Llama 2’s enhancements ensure it remains a top contender, particularly in applications where safety and bias mitigation are paramount.
  • Safety and Ethics: All three models prioritize ethical AI development, but their methodologies vary. Llama 2 and Gemma invest in comprehensive fine-tuning and feedback mechanisms to ensure their outputs meet ethical standards, while Mixtral leverages its open-source nature to encourage community-driven advancements in AI safety.
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Comparison of Mixtral, Llama 2, and Gemma

When comparing Mixtral, Llama 2, and Gemma, it’s essential to consider their architecture, performance, and unique features to understand their strengths and limitations.


  • Llama 2 adopts most of the pretraining setting and model architecture from its predecessor, Llama 1, including the standard transformer architecture with modifications like increased context length and grouped-query attention (GQA) [1].
  • Mixtral is a sparse mixture-of-experts model (SMoE), a decoder-only model where the feedforward block picks from a set of 8 distinct groups of parameters, allowing it to process input and generate output at the same speed and for the same cost as a 12.9B model [6].
  • Gemma is a smaller language model compared to Gemini or OpenAI’s ChatGPT, designed to be open-source and capable of running on devices as small as laptops [7].


  • Llama 2 outperforms its predecessor, Llama 1, and other models like MPT and Falcon on various benchmarks, indicating a significant improvement in performance [8].
  • Mixtral matches or outperforms Llama 2 70B and GPT3.5 on most benchmarks, showcasing its efficiency and speed, especially with its 6x faster inference compared to Llama 2 70B [5][6].
  • Gemma, while smaller, delivers fast and imaginative responses, with a performance that suggests it can still compete with larger models, especially when run on specialized hardware like Groq’s LPU chips [7].

Unique Features

  • Llama 2 introduces architectural improvements over its predecessor, such as increased context length and GQA, which contribute to its enhanced performance [1].
  • Mixtral offers a unique architecture with its sparse mixture-of-experts network, allowing for efficient processing and output generation. It also supports a wide range of languages and can be fine-tuned for specific tasks [6].
  • Gemma stands out for its accessibility and the potential for integration into a wide range of devices, from laptops to commercial apps, thanks to its open-source nature and smaller size [7].


[1] Page 5 of “llama 2 model.pdf”

[5] Mixtral of experts | Mistral AI | Frontier AI in your hands

[6] Mixtral of experts | Mistral AI | Frontier AI in your hands

[7] Groq adds Gemma to its lightning fast chatbot — now you can talk to Google’s open-source alternative to Gemini | Tom’s Guide

[8] Page 8 of “llama 2 model.pdf”


Gemma, Mixtral, and Llama 2 are open-source AI models developed by Google, Mistral AI, and Meta AI, respectively. Each model represents a unique vision for the future of AI and offers distinct features and capabilities. Gemma is designed for open-source accessibility, responsible AI design, high efficiency, and broad compatibility. Mixtral employs a sparse mixture-of-experts network, supports multiple languages, and focuses on high efficiency, multilingual support, and community involvement. Llama 2, on the other hand, emphasizes improved architecture, safety, and accessibility for a wide range of applications. When comparing the models, it’s evident that each model has its strengths and unique features, contributing to the advancement of AI technology.

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