Why Teams Choose bnotes Over Google Docs | Article 1 of 2

Teams Need to Document and Index Information at Scale

2 min readJul 2, 2019

Less Work & More Flow

According to McKinsey, 19% of time at work is spent on the hunt for information*. bnotes creates less work and more flow by optimizing the experience of both documenting and indexing content — the app quickly becomes the Wikipedia of your business where all company knowledge resides. Here are specific features and functionality that make bnotes not only better but different than Google Docs.

Context Switching via Workspaces

When it comes to top-level organization, bnotes offers the ability to manage content within spaces. These Workspaces serve as containers for projects, campaigns, departments, and companies.

Filtering via Channels

Organizing thoughts, ideas, and strategies, in the form of documents, can be overwhelming (we’ve all been there). By asking yourself the question, “what is the topic of this doc?” you can quickly decide where it should live. By creating Channels, users can easily give context to the content they create. Channels are mid-level filter functions synonymous with categories or topics and serve as a replacement to the folder structure used in Google Docs.

Drilling Down via Tags

Not only are folders a drag, in that they are frustrating to sort through, especially when multiple parties are adding files to a shared directory, but they also aren’t the best way to scale organization. How do you find content layers deep? At bnotes, we do this using Tags. These filter functions represent subcategories that allow users to index Channels or other notes that they create easily. Pro tip: Filter notes using multiple Tags.

*Sources — https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/high-tech/our-insights/the-social-economy




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