Building a Second Brain | Article 2 of 2

3 min readOct 18, 2020

We live in an era where most of what we need to achieve our goals is already available to us somewhere. However, the ways we choose to connect those dots and access knowledge can be uncomfortable because those decisions ultimately define our success.

The strongest species are the most responsive to change.

In article number one of Building a Second Brain, I talked about how the conscious and subconscious mind receives and processes information. And once the brain receives information, how short-term memory, working memory, and long-term memory support operations.

Our complex and beautiful mind is what separates us from the rest of nature. The brain provides an exceptional sense maker with more than 100 billion sensory cells to help us experience the world. As we move from moment to moment, soaking in information through sight, sound, taste, and touch, we absorb millions of bits each second into our subconscious mind. A tiny percent of what we process is happening consciously.

Read Building A Second Brain | Article 1 of 2 for context.

Benefits of a Second Brain

Reading 300 words per minute isn’t a lot when you need to understand a textbook to cram for an exam.

Or storing 7 bits of information in short-term memory isn’t ideal when you forget the peanut butter and toilet paper at the grocery.

Taking notes, tapping into shared knowledge, discovering insights you didn’t know exist, and accessing relevant information when you need it most, are all benefits of a Second Brain.

What if you had your friends’ notes from the day you missed class? You probably wouldn’t have to read chapter two and synthesize the content for yourself. Or, at minimum, having access to the shared insights would give you a frame of reference for the events that took place without your presence. Read, How One University Professor Uses bundleIQ to Increase Engagement in the Classroom.

“bundleIQ helps us work independently but also helps us come together to build on each other’s knowledge and understanding of schoolwork. So often in classes, students are forced to either work in a group or independently. Rarely is there a way to combine both.” — Student at Skidmore College

Getting the most out of a Second Brain

The function of a Second Brain is to connect you to the knowledge you need at that moment. And having alliances that support your effort is part of the process. In this case, an ally can be a classmate who is sharing their notes or a co-worker adding the essential info you need to complete a task. Read, How to Create Relevant and Useful Content as a Team.

Likewise, a partner on this journey, when using bundleIQ, is an Artificial Intelligence that connects dots for you and offers suggestions as you work. Working memory is the active storage function that helps us process thoughts and solve problems. Activating ‘IQ amplifies your ability to do so because the relevant knowledge that it discovers was likely never committed to your memory. And even if the insights you come across were, you’d have to stop what you’re doing to go find them.

It is not the strongest of the species that survive, not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” — Charles Darwin.

Read, How You Can Increase Output While Decreasing Input.

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